Doga Neutro Vissuto
The “Thermotreated Oak” collection undergoes a specialized heat treatment that removes moisture and enhances certain physical properties, including its resistance to natural deterioration from fungi, molds, and insects.
Heat treatment provides significant benefits in protecting wood from damage. This includes preventing the growth of organic matter, which can attract attacks from pests and fungi, as well as reducing instability and vulnerability to swelling and shrinkage.
thickness: 14 mm. (3,5 mm. of hardwood top layer)*
width: 180/190 mm.
length: 2.200/1.700 mm.
Surface Aspects
Brushed: It is a mechanical processing carried out on the surface of the laminate of noble wood made in order to enhance the natural grain of the oak. The brushed surface of ORIGINAL PARQUET is the result of orbital brushing and against vein, that cut and clean the grain of the wood in a softer and rounder way.
Total Sawn cut: The aesthetic peculiarity of this type of surface is the transversal and irregular serration of each single plank, reminiscent of the artisanal processing of the sawn-cut boards.
Gain a thorough understanding of our premium parquet products, including surface and finish options and grading criteria, by downloading our comprehensive PDF guide.
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